4. ascidian_atlas

ascidian_atlas can be used to assess the quality/coherency of a set of already named ascidian embryos (or atlases) as well to point out potential corrections. It assumes that the set (or mathematically speaking the vector) of valued surface contact of a named cell can be used as its signature.

ascidian_atlas can be used to

  • either, with a parameter file, assess the quality/coherency of a set of already named ascidian embryos (or atlases) as well to point out potential corrections; it assumes that the set (or mathematically speaking the vector) of valued surface contact of a named cell can be used as its signature;

  • or manipulate a property file (pkl or xml), in order to * convert an xml file into a pkl one (or conversely) * extract some features from a property file * compute cell fates from cell names * …

4.1. ascidian_atlas additional options

The following options are available:

-i files ...

input files (pkl or xml) to be read

-o files ...

output files (pkl or xml) to be read

-c files ...

files (pkl or xml) to be compared to those given by -i

-feature features ...

features to be extracted from the input files, that are to be written in the output files. Features have to be chosen in ‘lineage’, ‘h_min’, ‘volume’, ‘surface’, ‘sigma’, ‘label_in_time’, ‘barycenter’, ‘fate’, ‘all-cells’, ‘principal-value’, ‘name’, ‘contact’, ‘history’, ‘principal-vector’, ‘name-score’, ‘cell-compactness’

-property features ...

same as -feature

-write-selection | --write-selection | -write-selections | --write-selections

write out morphonet selection files

-fate | --compute-fate

delete previous cell fate (if any) and recompute it, as well as a morphonet selection for cell colorization.


performs some test on the read properties

--diagnosis-minimal-volume DIAGNOSIS_MINIMAL_VOLUME

displays all cells with volume smaller than DIAGNOSIS_MINIMAL_VOLUME

--diagnosis-items DIAGNOSIS_ITEMS

minimal number of items to be displayed

-write-selection, --write-selection

convert xml selections into morphonet files


print the keys of the input file(s) (read as python dictionary)


same as --print-content


print types of read features (for debug purpose)

4.2. Assess the quality of a set of named ascidian embryos

Each individual cell \(c^{R}_i\) (the cell \(c_i\) of atlas \(R\)) is represented by the vector of its contact surfaces \(c^{R}_i = \left( \begin{array}{c} s^{R}_{i,1} \\ \vdots \\ s^{R}_{i,j} \\ \vdots \end{array} \right)\).

To account for size differences (between embryos, or between time points within an embryo), normalized surface contact vector should be used for computation (parameter cell_normalization, see section Atlas parameters). A distance between cells comes to a L1 distance between two vectors.

From the cell-to-cell distance, a division-to-division similarity can be built, a division being represented by the couple of daughter cells (extracted at the distance delay_from_division from the division).

To enrich division exemplars, the symmetric division (of the other hemi-embryo) can be symmetrized (ie a7.0002_ will be changed in a7.0002*). This is governed by add_symmetric_neighborhood.

Thus, to assess the quality of a set of atlases, a typical parameter file may be

atlasFiles = []
atlasFiles += ['/path_to_reference_embryos/Astec-pm1.pkl']
atlasFiles += ['/path_to_reference_embryos/Astec-pm3.pkl']
atlasFiles += ['/path_to_reference_embryos/Astec-pm4.pkl']
atlasFiles += ['/path_to_reference_embryos/Astec-pm5.pkl']
atlasFiles += ['/path_to_reference_embryos/Astec-pm7.pkl']
atlasFiles += ['/path_to_reference_embryos/Astec-pm8.pkl']
atlasFiles += ['/path_to_reference_embryos/Astec-pm9.pkl']
# how to select cells
add_symmetric_neighborhood = True
use_common_neighborhood = True
delay_from_division = 3
# how to compute distances
cell_normalization = 'global'
# how to extract/display information
atlas_diagnosis = True
division_diagnosis = True
division_permutation_proposal = True
generate_figure = True
figurefile_suffix = 'some_suffix'
  • atlas_diagnosis and division_diagnosis may be quite verbose. It may be adviced to set them to True when introducing a new atlas, but not when using a set of already curated atlases. Two kinds of diagnosis are conducted.

    • atlas_diagnosis

      • on each single atlas/reference file, the name and the contact properties are assessed.

      • on the population of division neighborhoods:

    • division_diagnosis

      • pairwise disagreements: for a given cell and every couple of reference embryos, the distance of the two divisions (one per reference) is compared to the distance of one division compared to the other being switched. If the later is prefered, it is denoted as a disagreement.

      • linkage/dendrogram analysis: it is checked whether adding the switched divisions to the set of divisions changes the largest value of cluster distance in a dendrogram. If yes, it also suggest that some divisions may be switched. Individualized morphonet selection files are written (if write_selection is set to True) in the outputDir directory.

  • division_permutation_proposal may propose to switch the daughter names of some divisions. It calculates whether a name switch result in a global score improvement, and, if so, proposes the switch. It is somehow computationally costly. Individualized morphonet selection files are written (if write_selection is set to True) in the outputDir directory.

  • generate_figure will generate python files (in the outputDir directory) that, when executed, generates some figures. It is somehow computationally costly.

Section ascidian_atlas parameters provides a view on all the parameters.

4.3. Handling property files

4.3.1. Computing cell fates

$ ascidian_atlas -i input.pkl -o output.pkl -fate