1. Astec Installation

Only works for Linux or MacOs systems.

1.1. User installation (without git)

Requires conda.

  1. Create a conda environment (here the environment is named astec-test)

conda create -n astec-test -c morpheme -c conda-forge astec
  1. Activate the built conda environment

conda activate astec-test

1.2. User installation (with git)

Requires conda and git.

  1. Astec code can be found at gitlab.inria.fr/astec/astec. It can be downloaded with

git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/astec/astec.git

It creates an astec directory.

  1. Create a conda environment named astec

cd astec
conda env create -f pkg/env/astec.yaml
  1. Activate the built conda environment

conda activate astec

1.3. Developer installation (with git)

Requires conda and git.

  1. Astec code can be found at gitlab.inria.fr/astec/astec. It can be downloaded with

git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/astec/astec.git

It creates an astec directory.

  1. Create a conda environment named astec

cd astec
conda env create -f pkg/env/astec-dev.yaml
  1. Activate the built conda environment

conda activate astec-dev
  1. Install astec package for use

python -m pip install -e .

The -e option install the package in “editable” mode, this is want you want if you aim at contributing to the astec project. This last command has to be repeated (within the conda environment every time the astec code has been modified).