1. Release notes

1.1. Developer version

1.2. Version 2.1.9

  • manualcorrection: corrects the correction files; allows for restarting

  • enrich morphonet file writing: enables more properties to be written out

1.3. Version 2.1.8

  • manual correction: correct potential overflow problem.

    • python 3.9: (np.uint16) * (int) -> (np.int64)

    • python 3.11: (np.uint16) * (int) -> (np.uint16)

    This may cause similar troubles in the future.

1.4. Version 2.1.7

  • manual correction: correct the propagation of newly created divisions

1.5. Version 2.1.6

  • correct inrimage IO

1.6. Version 2.1.5

  • allows to change for the images kept for fusion, while keeping the same point of view fusion (ie from the same camera)

1.7. Version 2.1.4

  • correct bad behavior for direct fusion when the left camera image from stack #0 is not present

1.8. Version 2.1.3

  • allows to have new labels when dividing cell in astec_manualcorrection, and mother cell label is not reused for a daughter cell

  • update documentation

1.9. Version 2.1.2

  • improve name comparison behavior

  • correct bad behavior of astec_astec when restarting the computation

1.10. Version 2.1.1

  • documentation updating

  • correct bad behavior of ReconstructionParameters.is_normalization_equal() when intensity_transformation is None

1.11. Version 2.1.0

  • documentation updating

  • pursued code splitting into astec/ascidian repositories

  • documentation splitting into astec/ascidian

1.12. Version 2.0.0

  • moved ascidian algorithms/binaries to a dedicated git repository

  • replaced pkg_resources by importlib.metadata

  • added test infrastructure

  • refactor setup.py (adding setup.cfg)

1.13. Version 1.7.2

  • Review of conda env files (*.yaml) and build

  • Use builtin which command instead of external process to launch astec binaries

  • Removed obsolete python-3.7 builds, added python-3.10 and python-3.11

1.14. Version 1.7.1

  • Write embryo as a graph

  • Computation of symmetric cells

  • Allows to extract any XZ-section(s) at the fusion stage.

1.15. Version 1.7.0

  • Fusion of one single time point: allows longer suffixes than recognized image extensions.

  • Pre-processed images (see Image preprocessing) are no more stored into .../SEG/SEG_XXX/RECONSTRUCTION/ but in their own directories .../REC-MEMBRANE/REC_XXX/ and/or .../REC-SEED/REC_XXX/ and/or .../REC-MORPHOSNAKE/REC_XXX/. They can be transformed by the motion compensation stage (see astec_intraregistration).

  • User-provided outer contour images (to be stored in .../CONTOUR_/CONTOUR_XXX/) can be used in image pre-processing (see Image preprocessing)

  • Properties computation (see astec_embryoproperties) computes cell lineage when it is not available.

1.16. Version 1.6.2

Release notes not available